Monday, 23 June 2014


If you have ever joined us for one of our Sew-along retreats you'll know that they are a real 'treat'. One long weekend of uninterrupted sewing in amongst the beautiful tranquil setting of Toodyay WA with a group of great, great women. Jemima (of Tied with a Ribbon fame) and I have been working on next years retreats and booking will open shortly for 2015.

All the booking information can be found on Jemima's website at as well as on my Sew-Along page.

. . . just a taste of what we have got up to at the last Retreat

x x Happy stitching

Exhibition over & a new bus

Its been a few weeks since the Salvedge/Selvedge exhibition finished. There were some truly inspiring pieces of work there & all in all I think everyone was impressed with the event. I know that the organising committee worked tirelessly at the event over two weeks spending time chit-chatting with the visitors and working hard to boost the auction price of each quilt.

The event raised more then enough money to buy the School of St Yared in Ethiopia a new bus which was the aim & I'm sure there is plenty of money left over to fund other well needed projects within the school.

. . . thought you might like to have a good look at some of my favourite quilts from the show.

The quilt hanging at the top was made by myself & three of my favourite people Jan, Rosie & Elaine. We have all been sewing together for years & it was nice to come together & make a quilt as a group. We called the quilt Martini Teahouse - if you follow my facebook you'll recognise that this is the quilt that taught me all about vintage fabrics, chalk & the chemical reaction between the two!

This was my absolute favourite of the show made by Lisa Repsevicius. It was a mix of wools, cord, silks & cotton fabrics - just wished i could have bid for it at the auction but no doubt it has found a happy home.

me and my big girl standing next to my horizontal stripey quilt which was the raffle prize.